- more than just a game -

- How a game screen is created -

To build a gamescreen like this took between 1 to 12+ hours.
It always depends on how detailed a screen should be!
All textures are procedurally set up within the blender node based shading system.
Rendered with Eevee in FHD1920x1080
(no usage of external textures)

Some screens have additional subscreens (e.g. toolpoint -> commercial screens)
These must be created seperately aswell (incl animations)

Take a look at the different screens of the game:

STEP 1 - rough block out / proportions

STEP 1 - rough block out / proportions

1. Based on the Story or an idea, get a feeling for a location and start with a rough blockout or scenebuild with low details, to check if everything works/looks/feels like expected

STEP 2 - details

STEP 2 - details

2. If step 1 is satisfying, start adding details, try/add first textures, get a feeling for lighting and color mood of the scene

STEP 3 - materials, textures & lighting

STEP 3 - materials, textures & lighting

3. Scene lights, materials/textures are more or less finished

STEP 4 - compositing & the final image

STEP 4 - compositing & the final image

4. Some post processing afterwards. Compositing and effects.