- more than just a game -

Become a supporter

If you'd like to support the project,
you are able to, via Subscribestar


You can choose between the following benefits:


Free (tier 1)

3 € (tier 2)

5 € (tier 3)

10 € (tier 4)


- Public announcements

- Preview of new
(6-10 days after tier2)

- Public accouncments

- Supporter announcements

- Preview of new Locations
(early access)

- Preview of new features

[Discord bonus:]
- role
- early ghost posts
- latest save game
- supporter version
- door events list
- supporter gimmicks ingame
- personal support

- Public accouncments

- Supporter announcements

- Preview of new Locations
(early access)

- Preview of new features

- Preview of story-based and interact images (sfw)

- Behind the scenes footage
(early access)

[Discord bonus:]
- role
- early ghost posts
- latest save game
- supporter version
- door events list
- add.dev.previews
- coll. pict. list
- puzzle solution
- supporter gimmicks ingame
- personal support

- Public accouncments

- Supporter announcements

- Preview of new Locations
(early access)

- Preview of new features

- Preview of story-based and interact images

- Behind the scenes footage
(early access)

- Preview of content

[Discord bonus:]
- role
- early ghost posts
- latest save game
- supporter version
- door events list
- add.dev.previews
- coll. pict. list
- puzzle solution
- cam location list
- hidden scenes list
- supporter gimmicks ingame
- personal support

early ghost role